Media Stakeout by Ambassador Ron Prosor on Kidnapping

Media Stakeout by Ambassador Prosor on Kidnapping

    Media Stakeout by Ambassador Ron Prosor

    Kidnapping of Three Israeli Teenagers

    Since Thursday evening, Israelis have been holding their breath and praying for the safe return of Eyal Yifrach, Gil-Ad Shaer, and Naftali Frenkel – the three Israeli teenagers kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. 


    It has been five days since our boys went missing. I ask the international community – where are you? Where are you?


    The kidnapping took place just 10 days after Fatah and Hamas formed a unity government.  All those in the international community who rushed to bless this marriage, should look into the eyes of the heartbroken parents and have the courage to take responsibility by condemning the kidnapping. 


    The international community bought into a bad deal and Israel is paying for it. We have gotten a taste of the bitter tragedy that comes with Hamas in a Palestinian government. Terrorism is what they know, it is what they preach, and it is what they teach.


    It's worth recalling that the Palestinians recently signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child. They obviously signed without reading it.  


    I call on the Security Council and the international community to unequivocally condemn the kidnapping and ensure that our boys return home safely to their families.  The international community must also call on President Abbas to:

    1.    Disarm Hamas

    2.    Stop the smuggling and manufacturing of weapons

    3.    Prevent rocket fire


    This is the only responsible course of action.


    Thank you.