Kelly Craft SC

Amb. Danon welcomes US Amb. Kelly Craft at the SC

     At a regularly scheduled monthly debate in the UN Security Council, Israel's ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, welcomed the new US ambassador to the UN, Kelly Craft. In his remarks before the body, Ambassador Danon said: "We welcome your presence here and look forward to your voice being heard on behalf of the American people."

    In her remarks, Ambassador Craft used the opportunity to express her support for Israel: "The United States has always supported Israel in the past. The United States supports Israel today. The United States will always support Israel moving forward. Israel will have no better friend than Kelly Craft."

    Following their statements in the Security Council, Ambassadors Danon and Craft met outside the Council chamber.

    In response to Ambassador Craft's statements, Ambassador Danon said: "The United States will have no better friend than the State of Israel. Ambassador Craft made it clear today that the US remains strongly committed to Israel and our security. With her help, together we can continue to change the culture at the United Nations."

    In his speech addressing the Security Council, Ambassador Danon commented: "Iran poses the greatest danger to regional stability and security. Iran must be stopped. Not with smiles and handshakes, but with economic, political, diplomatic and any other pressure as necessary. I call on the member of this esteemed Council to act against the Iranian violations and exert more pressure on Iran."