Israel and Japan mark 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations

Israel-Japan 60th anniversary

  •   Israel and Japan mark 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations
    ​Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 60 years ago, Japan and Israel have steadily developed their bilateral relationship. Today, the relationship extends beyond the purely bilateral, and has assumed major significance for stability in the region.
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    Japanese FM Koichiro Gemba being greeted by FM Liberman in Jerusalem (Photo: Miri Shimonovich) Japanese FM Koichiro Gemba being greeted by FM Liberman in Jerusalem (Photo: Miri Shimonovich)
    (Contributed by the MFA Spokesperson)
    Israel and Japan are today (Tuesday, May 15, 2012) marking the 60th anniversary since the establishment of diplomatic relations. The year will be marked in both Israel and Japan by a series of special events in various fields, including cultural events, academic meetings, and visits by senior officials. On May 21, the Israeli embassy in Tokyo will stage a special gala concert marking the occasion, with the unique collaboration of the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra and leading Israeli musicians.
    The bilateral relationship between the two countries enjoys stability and constant growth: Israel and Japan hold an ongoing political dialogue on issues that head the political and international agendas of the two countries; economic ties are in a state of positive growth (bilateral trade totaled $ 3.3 billion in 2011); scientific and technological ties are strengthening, as is the cultural relationship.
    Israel appreciates the Japanese contribution to stability in our region. Within this framework, Japan is promoting various investment programs with the participation of Israel and the Palestinians. Heading the list is the Peace Corridor project, which entails the establishment of an agro-industrial park near the city of Jericho with the four-party participation of Japan, Israel, the Palestinian Authority and Jordan; Japanese military forces are deployed within the UNDOF framework on the Golan Heights; and Japan also provides financial support to the Multinational Force and Observers (MFO) deployed in the Sinai Desert.