FM Liberman meets with German FM Westerwelle in Berlin

Liberman meets Westerwelle

  •   FM Liberman meets with German FM Westerwelle in Berlin
    ​The two foreign ministers discussed bilateral issues, events in the Middle East, and the negotiations between the international powers and Iran
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    FM Liberman in Berlin FM Liberman in Berlin Copyright: Vitalis Blum
    (Contributed by the Foreign Minister’s Bureau)
    Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman met in Berlin with German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle on Monday (7 May 2012). During the meeting, the two foreign ministers discussed bilateral issues, events in the Middle East, and the negotiations between the international powers and Iran.
    FM Liberman stated that it is imperative that the next round of negotiations, to be held in Baghdad, do not end without a clear resolution that requires Iran to halt immediately all of its activities relating to uranium enrichment and nuclear armaments development. FM Liberman said that Israel expects the powers to decide upon concrete action, and not accept a postponement for further meetings, which will merely allow the Iranians to continue to play for time.
    Prior to this meeting, FM Liberman and FM Westerwelle participated in an event held by the Israel-Germany Friendship Association marking 100 years since the birth of the Association’s founder, publisher Axel Springer, who greatly contributed to the reconciliation between the Jewish People and Germany. Axel Springer was a true friend of Israel and was instrumental in strengthening the relationship between the two countries. In his speech, FM Westerwelle thanked FM Liberman for visiting Berlin despite the political situation in Israel, and stated that Minister Liberman is a true friend. FM Liberman thanked Minister Westerwelle and said that the bond of friendship between Germany and Israel is more important than any vote.