Danon call on UN to condemn Hamas

Amb. Danon calls on the UN to condemn Hamas

  • Shahar Azran
     When the UN General Assembly meets at the end of the month for the anniversary of UN Resolution 181 (1947), Israel will call for UN member states to condemn Hamas and label it a terrorist organization.


    A forthcoming US resolution will condemn Hamas for repeatedly firing rockets indiscriminately into Israel, for diverting resources to construct military infrastructure, including terror tunnels, and will demand Hamas cease all violent activity, among other calls to action.


    The United States, Israel, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the European Union have labeled Hamas, in whole or in part, a terrorist organization. Israel’s ambassador Danny Danon commented that “it is time for the moral majority of the United Nations to take action, and to stand with us against Hamas and its terrorism.”


    Ambassador Danon continued: "this effort underscores the efforts US Ambassador Nikki Haley has taken to help us bring the truth to the UN, and shine a light on Hamas and Iranian terror activities. It is time for the UN to label Hamas as a terrorist organization, once and for all."