Blood Libel at the UN The Palestinians Accuse Israel of Harvesting Organs‬

Danon slams Palestinian organ harvesting claim

  •   ‪Ambassador Danon to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon: "Antisemitism has no place in the halls of the UN. ‬Condemn the ongoing incitement by Palestinian leaders"
    In a letter to the UN, The Palestinian Representative, Riyad Mansour, accused Israel of harvesting organs of Palestinians. In response, Israel’s Permanent Representative, Ambassador Danny Danon, called on the Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, to condemn the Palestinian Representative for his antisemitic remarks and hateful lies‫.‬

    "This blood libel by the Palestinian representative exposes his antisemitic motives and his true colors", said Ambassador Danon.

    Ambassador Danon told the Secretary General: "Antisemitism has no place in the halls of the United Nations and must be denounced. I call on you to repudiate this sinister accusation and to condemn the ongoing incitement by Palestinian leaders."