Assistance to civilian population in Gaza during Pillar of Defense

Assistance to Civilian Population in Gaza

  •   Operation Pillar of Defense - November 2012
    Throughout Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012, the Israeli defense establishment, international organizations and governmental representatives worked to provide assistance to meet the needs of the civilian population in Gaza. A COGAT report details the assistance during the 8-day operation.
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    Emergency evacuation of three premature babies for medical care in Israel Emergency evacuation of three premature babies for medical care in Israel Copyright: COGAT
    On 20 November 2012, the CLA coordinated the emergency evacuation of three premature babies for medical care in Israel. (Photo: COGAT)

    (Communicated by COGAT - Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories)

    In November 2012, in response to the escalating attacks from Hamas and other terror groups in the Gaza Strip (including 787 rockets that landed in Israel since the start of 2012), Israel launched Operation Pillar of Defense, as a necessary action to protect Israel's civilians.

    Throughout the 8-day operation, the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), and COGAT's field representatives in the Coordination and Liaison Administration to Gaza (CLA Gaza) worked with the IDF, other branches of the Israeli defense establishment, international organizations and governmental representatives in order to provide assistance for the needs of the civilian population in Gaza.

    While Hamas actively exploits and endangers their civilians, COGAT's activities are yet another example of the measures that Israel takes to minimize casualties and harm amongst that very same population.


    Operation Pillar of Defense in numbers
    • Erez Crossing, the pedestrian terminal between Israel and Gaza, was fully operational for emergency evacuations throughout Pillar of Defense.
    • While the Kerem Shalom Crossing, the commercial goods terminal between Israel and Gaza, was open for three days of the operation, the threat of rocket fire kept wary truck drivers on both sides of the border away, and rockets were actually fired towards the crossing during the transfer of goods.
    • Throughout Operation Pillar of Defense, food stores in Gaza remained at high levels.
    • COGAT placed special emphasis on prioritizing health related requests, whether supply requests or exit permits for treatment in Israel.
    • Israel continued to supply 125 MW of electricity to Gaza through the 10 electrical lines connecting Israel and the Strip.
    Transfer of goods to Gaza via Kerem Shalom crossing
    On 20 November 2012 rockets were fired towards the Kerem Shalom crossing during transfer of goods. While the majority of goods had already been transferred, the attack prevented the entry of medical supplies. The CLA subsequently arranged for supplies to be transferred via forklift at Erez terminal. (Photo: COGAT)
    Read the complete COGAT report detailing assistance to the civilian population of the Gaza Strip during Operation Pillar of Defense (14-21 November 2012).
