Abbas led people to self-destruciton

Ambassador Danon at the Security Council

    ​The UN Security Council met on Thursday to discuss the Middle East. During the meeting, Israel's ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, presented an official Palestinian Authority textbook that Mahmoud Abbas has authorized for the current school year, and explained that “this textbook lists a number of so-called heroes – like Dalal Mughrabi – the terrorist responsible for a massacre that killed 38 people. This is Abbas’ culture of hate – right in front of you. This is the reason Palestinian schoolchildren learn that it is better to kill a Jew than keep a job.”

    “Mahmoud Abbas is to blame,” the ambassador continued. “In his 13 years of rule, Abbas has done nothing but inspire this rampant culture of hate…He preaches tolerance in English and terror in Arabic…He has led his people down a path of self-destruction and misery, stealing their chance at a good life. He is the obstacle to peace. If you hope to see a better future between Israelis and Palestinians, you will join us in indicting Abbas.”

    Danon commented on Abbas’ recent “active measures to radicalize the people of Gaza and prolong their suffering. He is pushing Israel and Hamas toward a war.”

    Danon also highlighted the Palestinian Authority’s “infamous ‘pay to slay’ policy that remains the crown jewel of Abbas’ incitement campaign. In this year’s budget, Abbas has allocated $355 million dollars toward the pay to slay policy. That’s 7% of the total PA budget.”

    This money, Danon reminded the Council, will go into the pocket of the terrorist that murdered Kim Levengrond Yehezkel and Ziv Hagbi at the Barkan Industrial Area ten days ago: “Nearly half of every dollar [the international community] gives to the Palestinian people to build roads and schools is put in the pocket of those who murder Jews.”

    Danon concluded with a strong call: “Abbas’ priority is clear. His aim is to incite, so ours must be to indict. If you really want to change the reality for Palestinians and Israelis, you must change the equation. Remove the source of the culture of hate and textbook terrorism. Only when that source is removed will we see a brighter result.”​