PM Netanyahu speech at Bar Ilan University

PM Netanyahu speech at Bar Ilan University

    In my speech here four years ago I said that the solution is a demilitarized Palestinian state, with very clear security arrangements, not international forces. But the Palestinians must recognize the Jewish state.
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    PM Netanyahu speech at Bar Ilan University PM Netanyahu speech at Bar Ilan University Copyright: Bar Ilan University webcast
    Excerpts [translation]:
    "Iran's goal is to take over the entire Middle East and beyond, and to destroy the State of Israel. This is not speculation, this is the goal. Israel and the U.S. are in full agreement as to the need to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons.
    The President of Iran stated a few days ago at the U.N. that Iran is interested in nuclear capability only for civilian purposes. I don't believe him, but if you want to test his statement, you must ask the Iranian regime a simple question: If you only want nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, why do you insist on centrifuges to enrich uranium and plutonium reactors which are not needed to produce nuclear energy for peaceful purposes?"

    "In my speech here four years ago I said that the solution is a demilitarized Palestinian state, with very clear security arrangements, not international forces. But the Palestinians must recognize the Jewish state. We are prepared to recognize their nation state, but they must also make concessions - first and foremost relinquish the dream of the right of return. We will not accept recognition of the Jewish people or a binational state that will later be overrun with refugees. Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people. Only when they recognize our right to live here in our nation state will peace be possible."
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