PM Netanyahu's statement on the investigation into the terrorist bombing in Burgas

PM Netanyahu's statement on the Burgas bombing

  •   PM Netanyahu's statement on the investigation into the terrorist bombing in Burgas
    ​PM Netanyahu: The attack in Burgas was an attack on European soil against a member country of the EU. We hope that the Europeans draw the necessary conclusions as to the true character of Hezbollah.
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    PM Netanyahu PM Netanyahu Copyright: GPO
    PM Netanyahu (GPO archive photo)
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Netanyahu, today (Tuesday, 5 February 2013), issued the following statement in wake of the Bulgarian government's announcement regarding the 18 July 2012 terrorist bombing in Burgas:
    "I would like to thank the Bulgarian Government for its thorough and professional investigation of the 2012 terrorist attack in Burgas in which six innocent civilians – five Israelis and one Bulgarian – were murdered.
    The Bulgarian findings announced today are clear: Hezbollah was directly responsible for the atrocity. There is only one Hezbollah. It is one organization with one leadership.
    This is yet a further corroboration of what we have already known, that Hezbollah and its Iranian patrons are orchestrating a worldwide campaign of terror that is spanning countries and continents.
    The attack in Burgas was only one of a series of recent terrorist operations against civilians in Thailand, Kenya, Turkey, India, Azerbaijan, Cyprus and Georgia. All this is happening in parallel to the deadly support given by Hezbollah and Iran to the murderous Assad regime in Syria.
    The attack in Burgas was an attack on European soil against a member country of the EU. We hope that the Europeans draw the necessary conclusions as to the true character of Hezbollah."