2017-1014 聲明
    針對汽車百貨販售納粹貼紙一事,駐台北以色列經濟文化辦事處代表 游亞旭 發表聲明。​


    這樣令人厭惡的旗幟再度出現 讓人難以接受,同時這也是在新竹縣一年內再次發生濫用納粹旗幟的事件。


    Statement by Asher Yarden, Representative of the Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei on the selling of stickers bearing the Nazi flag - October 14, 2017:

    We strongly and utterly condemn the selling of stickers bearing Nazi flags at a car accessories store in Jhubei City, Hsinchu County.

    These flags represent the Nazi regime during the Jewish Holocaust - the darkest period in modern times, and have historically been used by evil forces to spread hate and terror, intimidate and incite.

    The re-emergence of such hateful flags is unacceptable anywhere, but this incident is even more disturbing since it is the second time in less than a year that the Nazi flag is being presented in an abusive way at Hsinchu County.

    We call on the appropriate authorities in Taiwan to take immediate action to remove from sale these stickers. We also urge them to initiate a comprehensive program on the Holocaust, its history and the lessons that need to be drawn from it, in an effort to educate the Taiwanese public on the gravity of the Holocaust, including the symbols associated with it. Hopefully, such a program will bring about better understanding and prevent the reoccurrence of such deplorable happenings.