Netanyahu em encontro semanal de gabinete


    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 21 February 2016):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "Today the Cabinet will discuss increasing the grant to promote work, what was once called 'the negative income tax.' The intention is to increase the number of those participating in the labor cycle. The proposal that will be submitted by the Finance Minister would increase the income level that qualifies employees to receive this grant, a worker who is a single-parent and – in most cases – single-parent mothers. We will also make it easier for the self-employed to receive this grant. We will extend the time to file claims and we will bring forward the payment dates. The goal, again, is to increase the number of people entering the labor cycle, because in contrast to what was said repeatedly – the greater the number of those participating in the workforce, the greater their ability to escape the cycle of poverty. Even if this ability is not perfect, it is indeed closely linked to their entry into the cycle of those earning a living. 
    Last week there was a debate over remarks by the Chief-of-Staff. This is a pointless debate. What the Chief-of-Staff said is self-evident, and in any case, the IDF and the security forces operate in this manner. Everything that was said afterwards was said either out of misunderstanding or a desire to score political points. Both are unacceptable. We need to put this matter aside and move on and this is exactly what we will do at this meeting. 
    Today the Chief-of-Staff will give the Cabinet a security briefing on the situation in the region. The challenges and threats are increasing and we are preparing accordingly. Government policy is to take strong action both defensively and offensively, in defending our borders by operating both within and beyond them. This is the reason why – relative to other countries in the region – the State of Israel is in a strong position, and we will see to it that this continues." 
    2. The Cabinet discussed and approved draft legislation on increasing the rate of participation in the work force and reducing social disparities. 
    3. The Cabinet received a security briefing from IDF Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Gadi Eisenkot.