Netanyahu em encontro semanal de gabinete


    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this morning (Sunday, 27 March 2016), made the following remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting: 
    "I would like to send condolences to the family of Brig.-Gen. Munir Amar who died in a regrettable airplane crash in the Galilee. Munir was an outstanding fighter and commander. He excelled in all his posts, including his most recent one as head of the Civil Administration. He was imbued with a sense of mission to defend the State of Israel, his state, the state of all of us. 
    Any challenge to the morality of the IDF is outrageous and unacceptable. The soldiers of the IDF, our children, maintain high ethical values while courageously fighting against bloodthirsty murderers under difficult operational conditions. I am certain that in all cases, as in the current one, the inquiry takes into account all conditions. We must all support the IDF Chief-of-Staff, the IDF and our soldiers, who safeguard our security."