    At the weekly Cabinet meeting (Wednesday, 4 May 2016):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "I welcome the NATO statement inviting the State of Israel to open an office at the organization's headquarters. This is a goal that we have worked on for many years. I announce that Israel will accept the invitation; we will open an office soon. I think that this is also an important expression of Israel's standing in the world. The countries of the world are looking to cooperate with us due to, inter alia, our determined fight against terrorism, our technological know-how and our intelligence services.
    Today, the Cabinet will approve an investment protection agreement with Japan. This agreement, for us, also constitutes an additional milestone in our developing relations with the major Asian powers – Japan, of course, but also China and India, with which we are developing relations and working on new agreements, especially the free trade agreement with China. They all point to the economic and diplomatic progress of the State of Israel in areas that we have not known since the establishment of the state.
    Later in the meeting we take leave of Yoram Cohen who will, today, conclude five years' service as Director of the ISA, and decades of service and contribution to the security of the state. Yoram has been an exceptional commander – determined, focused and efficient. He concentrated on ISA missions, especially counterterrorism, intelligence gathering counter-espionage and the development of other capabilities which, under his leadership, have saved many Israeli lives. Yoram advanced the ISA very much. He upgraded these capabilities and also advanced their effectiveness in new fields, such as cyberwarfare and cyberdefense. His assessments, as I can attest from countless meetings, were always realistic, substantive, well-grounded and, I would say, like all of his other activities, infused with an abiding commitment to the state and the people.
    On your behalf, I would like to salute him for outstanding service to the State of Israel and I thank him on behalf of the citizens of the State of Israel who owe him much. Perhaps one day we will be able to say more about this debt. Nadav Argaman will take Yoram's place; the changeover is already underway. We have an excellent ISA and it has excellent commanders."
    2. Pursuant to Article 12 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments), the Cabinet decided to appoint Ehud Adam as Director General of the Defense Minister, in place of Dan Harel, effective 26 May 2016.
    3. Pursuant to the recommendation of Religious Services Minister David Azoulay, the Cabinet decided to approve the appointment of Moshe Dagan to a four-year term as Director General of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. His term of office may be extended by another four years.
    4. The Cabinet discussed and approved a bilateral agreement with Japan to encourage and protect investments.
    5. The Cabinet took its leave from outgoing ISA Director Cohen. Prime Minister Netanyahu praised and thanked him for his work and contributions to the security of the state and wished him well in the future.
    6. Outgoing ISA Director Cohen briefed ministers on the challenges facing the ISA and the organization's deployment to meet these challenges. He gave data on the number of terrorist attacks in recent months as well as comparative data with previous periods.