    ​At the weekly Cabinet meeting on Sunday, 10 January 2015:
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "The Mossad is an integral part of Israel's security and is becoming more and more important in the complex world in which we live. With the rise of radical Islam and the terrorism that it spreads, with the rise of the importance of cybernetics – cyber, precision weapons and weapons of mass destruction - the Mossad has a role that is becoming increasingly central in dealing with all these threats, as well as in forging links with many more countries, including in the Arab world, than can be mentioned here, as a result of Israel's clear and aggressive policy against radical Islam and its technological, intelligence and operational progress, no small part of which is due to the Mossad.
    Today we are taking our leave, with gratitude and appreciation, from Tamir Pardo after five years as head of the Mossad and after long years in service to the security of the state. We welcome Yossi Cohen as head of the Mossad. Both of them have many merits as well as much experience.
    Tamir, you submitted for my approval countless operations and actions. I approved almost all of them and I did so out of complete confidence in the professionalism, commitment and dedication of the men and women of the Mossad, and yours as the leader of these operations, which are so important to Israel's security. Even if they are not known to the public they are certainly known to me and they deserve the deep appreciation and esteem of all Israelis.
    Yossi, you have had personal knowledge of the Mossad for many years. In the last two years you also served as head of the National Security Council; you are certainly familiar with all of the people I have mentioned here. Therefore, I would like to take leave of you, Tamir, in gratitude for all you have done for Israel's security. Yossi, thank you for all that you will do for the security of the state. Thank you both.
    Today the cabinet will approve draft legislation on reducing tariffs for public transportation. After we reduced the prices of water and electricity and enacted reforms in the food sector, we are reducing the prices of public transportation, which also has clear social significance. Usually, those who use public transportation, the major tendency is more those of reduced economic means, this is a significant easement.
    We also will approve today a NIS 2 billion multi-year plan for the development of the Druze and Circassian communities. The plan touches on many areas of life - education, construction and infrastructure, welfare, employment and tourism, and it will help to reduce disparities and promote the population that serves in the IDF and sees itself as part of the State of Israel.
    In this respect I would like to touch on the broader subject - any sensible person knows that there are large gaps between the Arab and Jewish population, resource gaps and disparities in law enforcement, gaps and discrepancies in rights and obligations. These gaps formed over decades, and it is time to make a major national effort to reduce them. In recent years, the governments which I have led have invested significant resources in the Arab sector, and the unprecedented government program approved ten days ago will do even more in this direction.
    At the same time, we will implement a comprehensive program for law enforcement in the Arab sector. I want to make it clear that nothing that has been done in various areas - infrastructure, tourism, education, trade, economy – can move forward if we do not address the question of enforcing the laws of the State of Israel in the Arab sector. These two programs are intertwined, and they will help and benefit the citizens of Israel, primarily Arab citizens. I believe that anyone who wants a genuine integration of all citizens of Israel into Israeli society will be a partner in this national effort that the Government will lead in the coming years. "
    2. Pursuant to Article 29a of the 2000 Prohibition on Money Laundering Law, the Cabinet decided to approve the appointment of Shlomit Wagman as head of the Justice Ministry Money Laundering and Terror Financing Prohibition Authority for a six year term.
    3. The Cabinet took its leave of outgoing Mossad Director Tamir Pardo. (See item #1 above.)
    4. Pursuant to the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments), the Cabinet decided to appoint Peretz Vazan as Director General of the Science, Technology and Space Ministry, effective 1 February 2016.
    5. Pursuant to Article 31A of Basic Law: Government, the Cabinet decided to appoint Minister Aryeh Machluf Deri as Interior Minister, in addition to his position as Periphery, Negev and Galilee Development Minister.
    6. The Cabinet discussed the composition of the 2016 health services basket (including lists of medicines).
    7. The Cabinet approved the draft version of the 2016 Public Transportation Tariff Law.
    8. The Cabinet approved Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's NIS 2 billion multi-year plan to develop and strengthen the Druze and Circassian communities.
    9. The Cabinet decided to provide a budget for the Birthright Israel Excel program.