FM Liberman recorre ao colegas sobre incitação de Abbas

Condolências de Abbas incita terror, diz Liberman

    Communicated by the Foreign Minister’s Bureau
    Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman appealed today (November 5, 2014) in a letter addressed to the foreign ministers throughout the world. He noted that the incitement by the President of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas, and particularly the letter of condolence and encouragement to the terrorist who shot Rabbi Yehuda Glick last week, are at the root of the terror attack which took place today in Jerusalem.
    FM Liberman wrote the letter before today's attack but before it was sent, he added a reference to the attack, which he describes as "chilling proof of this, even as I write these words."
    FM Liberman told his colleagues the world over that the international community cannot remain silent in the face of Palestinian President Abbas' letter to the family of the terrorist who shot Yehuda Glick. A leadership such as that of the Palestinian Authority which glorifies and encourages terrorism creates a 'terrorocracy' that can lead only to increased conflict and bloodshed.
    * * *
    English translation of letter from PA President Mahmoud Abbas
    My brothers, distinguished members of the Al-Hijazi family,
    Holy Jerusalem
    Peace be upon you and the blessing and mercy of God,
    In anger and strong condemnation did we receive word of the sickening crime of assassination which was perpetrated by the murderous, terrorist gangs of the despicable Israeli occupying army against your son Muataz Ibrahim Khalil Hijazi, who ascended to heaven as a martyr in the course of defending the rights of our nation, its honor and holy sites. We hereby express from the depths of our hearts before you all, before all of our residents of Holy Jerusalem, and before the entire honorable family, our condolences at his passing.
    We emphasize to you our condemnation of this cruel and ugly act, which joins the crimes of the despised Israeli occupation against our people since the Naqba, and which continues the historic oppression that follows the Palestinian People wherever our nation is present.
    We are certain that these acts will not deter the Palestinian People, but will rather strengthen our steadfastness and our grip on the territory of the homeland. We call on all of our countrymen to adhere to the national unity, to retain our achievements and to garner strength in order to contend with the exploitative aggression, in order to foil the goals of the occupation which strives to strike at our enduring rights to self-determination and to establish an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.
    We appeal to God to envelop him in His great mercy, to accommodate him in the broadest place of Heaven and to bestow upon him and his distinguished family patience and solace.
    We are for Allah and to Him we return.
    Ramallah, 1/11/2014
    Mahmoud Abbas
    President of the State of Palestine
    Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO