Declaração de Min. Liberman nesta manhã


    Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman on this morning's terror attacks
     (Communicated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs's Spokesperson)
    Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman said that the terrorist attack in a synagogue during prayers this morning amply demonstrates the baseness of the murderers, and that the responsibility rests entirely with the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas has deliberately turned the conflict into a religious conflict between Jews and Muslims and the systematic incitement he leads against Jews, including his statement that impure Jews may not enter the Temple Mount, provides the guidance for such heinous attacks. The international community should condemn Abbas’ anti-Semitic statements which leads to terrible massacres as happened this morning in the synagogue in Jerusalem and make it clear that those who act in this way cannot be seen as a legitimate political figure.