
    Cabinet Communique
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting on Sunday, 1 November 2015:
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "Today we are taking a major step toward advancing the supply of gas in the State of Israel. Natural gas will be the number one growth engine in Israel in the coming years. We are talking about an investment of very many billions of dollars already over the next two years and the creation of related industries, which will provide many jobs for the citizens of Israel. The gas supply will help lower energy costs and the cost of living. It also gives energy independence to Israel. We will not be dependent on foreign energy sources - this is very important for the State Israel. It will pump hundreds of billions of shekels, over the next 20 years, to the citizens of Israel, to the social welfare, education and health budgets - which is very important to the country.
    The arguments that led us to this point remind me of the debate that once surrounded Highway #6. There were heated arguments about Highway #6, and today no one understands how the state ever managed without Highway #6, and it really did not manage. The same will happen with the gas outline. I think that within one, two or three years, everyone will understand that it was a necessary step. I promised that we would approve the outline, and today we are taking the most significant step to do so.
    Minister Deri informed me of his intention to resign from the Economy Ministry. In order to complete the process, the ministry will pass to me and I will approve the outline. To the Galilee and Negev Development Ministry will be added responsibility for the social periphery; it will be called the Negev, Galilee and Periphery Development Ministry. Later I am certain that we will find an additional way to properly express the status of Minister Deri as the head of an important party in the coalition; he is an experienced and veteran minister.
    I offer condolences to the government of Russia, to President Putin, to the Russian people and, of course, to the families of the victims. This was a very serious disaster. We share in their grief. We are, of course, in continuous contact with the governments of Russia and of Egypt regarding the circumstances of the incident."
    2. The Cabinet approved the following Foreign Service appointments:
    Amikam Levy – Consul General in Shanghai
    Lior Haiat – Consul General in Miami
    Yael Hashavit – Consul General in Bangalore.
    3. The Cabinet discussed and approved draft amendments to the 2015 Minimum Wage Law. The Cabinet authorized the Ministerial Committee on Legislation to approve the final version of the law and requested the Knesset House Committee to expedite its discussion.
    4. The Cabinet discussed and approved draft amendments, regarding incitement to terrorism, to the 2015 Penal Code. The Cabinet authorized the Ministerial Committee on Legislation to approve the final version of the law and requested the Knesset House Committee to expedite its discussion.
    5. The Cabinet discussed and approved draft amendments, regarding incitement to terrorism, to the 2015 Financial Services Law. The Cabinet authorized the Ministerial Committee on Legislation to approve the final version of the law.
    6. The Cabinet decided to change the name of the Negev and Galilee Development Ministry to the Periphery, Negev and Galilee Development Ministry.
    7. Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon and GOC Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Herzl Halevy briefed ministers on security issues.
    8. Transportation and Road Safety Minister Yisrael Katz and senior ministry officials briefed ministers on efforts to bring about a reduction in the number of traffic accidents, including via the installation of vehicular safety systems.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu directed that a joint Transportation and Road Safety Ministry-Finance Ministry Budget Division team on the issue of encouraging the installation of vehicular safety systems, without deviating from budgetary frameworks.