9º Seminário da Comissão Israel-UE sobre a Luta contra o Racismo, Xenofobia e o Antissemitismo


    The 9th Israel-EU Seminar on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Antisemitism is being held in Brussels on 16-17 December 2015. Experts on combating antisemitism and hate crimes from both sides are meeting to discuss two main topics. The first is combating antisemitism, incitement and racism on the Internet and in the social media, a subject of prime importance due to the prevalence of antisemitism in today’s world.
    The second topic is the security of the European Jewish communities, which is unfortunately on the agenda due to the terrorist threats confronting the Jewish communities in Europe.
    This is the ninth consecutive year that the seminar has been convened, rotating between Jerusalem and Brussels. The seminar is highly regarded in the professional world by virtue of the important topics on its agenda as well as the caliber and range of the participants.
    Heading the Israeli delegation to the talks is Ambassador Yuval Rotem, Head of Public Diplomacy Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, accompanied by Akiva Tor, Head of Bureau for World Jewish Affairs and World Religions, and Gideon Behar, Director of the Antisemitism and Holocaust Remembrance Department.
    Heading the European side is Věra Jourová, European Commissioner for Justice and Consumers, accompanied by representatives from EU enforcement, justice and media bodies and delegates from various European countries. A meeting will be held with the European Commission’s First Vice President, Frans Timmermans, to discuss antisemitism.
    Ambassador Rotem said, “The level of antisemitism in Europe continues to be high and the number of anti-Semitic incidents has increased in recent years. The European Union and European states must take broad, thorough action in order to deal with it. In this context, the present seminar of experts is an important tool in the goal of eradicating antisemitism, and we welcome it.”