President Rivlin sends letter of condolence following the terror attacks in Egypt 10 April 2017

President Rivlin sends letter of condolence following the terror attacks in Egypt

    President Rivlin: The Egyptian nation knows how to withstand such despicable acts of terrorism and to continue its firm stand against such vicious terrorism.
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    President Reuven Rivlin President Reuven Rivlin Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​(Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)

    President Reuven Rivlin this morning (Monday, 10 April 2017), sent a letter of condolence to President el-Sisi of Egypt following the terror attacks yesterday in Tanta and Alexandria.
    President Rivlin wrote, "I was shocked to hear of the tragic bombing attacks on innocent Egyptians at places of worship in Tanta and Alexandria,” and added, “On behalf of my wife, Nechama, the people of Israel and myself, I send our sincere condolences to Your Excellency and to all the people of Egypt at this difficult time.”
    The President stressed that, “I know that even such despicable acts of terrorism against minority groups that seek to divide will not diminish the strong spirit of the Egyptian nation or prevent unity and harmonious coexistence between the different religious and ethnic groups in your country.” He added, “The Egyptian nation knows how to withstand those enemies and to continue its firm stand against such vicious terrorism.”
    He concluded by asking, “Please convey our sympathy to the bereaved families and our wishes for a speedy recovery to the injured.”