President Peres the Israeli Presdiential Conference

Pres. Peres Hosts Israeli Presdiential Conference


    The 2013 Israeli Presidential Conference, led by President Shimon Peres, begins tomorrow June 18 in Jerusalem and will continue until June 20th. 

     “Facing Tomorrow” – the fifth Israeli Presidential Conference under the auspices of President Shimon Peres will focus on the human factor, its role in shaping tomorrow and whether the quality of leadership can make a difference. Prominent speakers like singer Barbara Streisand, Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel, Governor of the Bank of Israel Stanley Fisher, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Former President Bill Clinton will join other  world leaders, international scholars, activists, poets and scientists, artists, clergy, entrepreneurs, economists and industrialists, as well as representatives of the next ge​neration of leaders from around the world in engaging the prominent issues of tomorrow.  

    Barbara Streisand will make her debut performance in Israel as the opening act of the conference.  President Peres will bestow The President’s Award, the highest civilian distinction offered by the President of Israel, upon President Clinton in recognition of his important humanitarian, economic, and environmental efforts. As part of the Conference, delegates from around the world will mark the 90th birthday of President Peres. 

    The president's 90th birthday party will be broadcasted live on June 18, from 5pm:

    For more information: 

    President Peres and Barbra Streisand together with children from the Make-A-Wish foundation Photo: President Peres' Twitter