Israel under fire - IDF responds
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Israel Under Fire - Operation Protective Edge

  •   Objective: Restore Long-Term Quiet to Israeli Civilians
    • 1225+ rockets fired towards Israel since start of Operation Protective Edge July 8
    • Israeli civilian killed at Erez Border crossing, used by Palestinians from Gaza receiving medical care in Israel.
    • Dozens of rockets fired at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem
    • 75% of population in Israel threatened by Hamas rocket fire
    • PM Netanyahu on CBS Face the Nation | Fox News Sunday
    • Despite rockets Israel continues to coordinate humanitarian aid to Gaza
    • On CBS Face the Nation, Ambassador Dermer’s Red Alert app siren went off​. Hamas were firing at Gedera, the town where his mother was born.
    • Hamas has fired 38 rockets from Gaza that have landed within their territory​. On July 13, a rocket fired from Gaza hit electricity infrastructure in Israel that supplied power to 70,000 people in Gaza. On July 12, a Gaza rockets hit the West Bank and an UNRWA facility in Gaza.
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    Avihai Jorno inspects the damage to his home in Sderot hit by a rocket fired from Gaza Avihai Jorno inspects the damage to his home in Sderot hit by a rocket fired from Gaza Copyright: Reuters
    (Afternoon Update: July 15, 2014)

    A short while ago, an Israeli civilian was killed after being struck by Hamas mortar fire at Erez crossing, used by Palestinians from Gaza receiving medical care in Israel. About 140 rockets have been fired towards Israeli cities and civilians today alone.

    Hamas has been systematically targeting border crossings between Israel and Gaza, despite the fact that they are being used to bring in hundreds of trucks of medical supplies, humanitarian aid and other supplies to Palestinians living in Gaza.​

    This morning at 9am (Israel time), Israel’s security cabinet accepted the Egyptian ceasefire proposal, which was supported by the US and Arab League. After Hamas rejected the Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire, and launched 50 rockets at Israel, we resumed operations in Gaza to protect our people. No country would sit idly by while its civilian population is subjected to terrorist rocket fire. Israel is no exception. 

    Israel’s objective was and remains putting an end to rocket fire from Gaza on our cities, and providing the citizens of Israel with the peace and quiet to which they are entitled.  All options are on the table, whether diplomatically or militarily, to achieve this goal.

    "I cannot condemn strongly enough the actions of Hamas in so brazenly firing rockets in the face of a goodwill effort to offer a ceasefire….We urge all parties to support this ceasefire,” said Secretary John Kerry. “Israel has the right to defend itself.”

    Israel’s activity is aimed solely at Hamas terrorists and infrastructure. Israel and Israelis yearn for the day they can live in peace and quiet, side-by-side with their Palestinian neighbors. We initiate any and every measure to avoid civilians deaths on both sides of this conflict.

    We thank President Obama, Congress and the international community for their unequivocal condemnation of Hamas rocket fire on Israeli cities and for their clear-cut support for Israel's right to self-defense. Thanks to American investment, the Iron Dome is successfully deployed and has proven its effectiveness intercepting the barrage of rockets fired towards Israel’s populated areas. 

    Updated July 14, 2014

    Israel underwent another night in which millions of our citizens were under the threat of Hamas rocket fire. It is a few nights now that mothers, with children in their arms, can't sleep because of the fear of another siren. Israeli families have been forced into shelters, their kids kept from their summer camps, and schools closed. 

    Hamas is violating international law and engaging in war crimes as their militants launch rockets indiscriminately at civilians from civilian areas, and hide in civilian infrastructures including mosques, schools and hospitals. Instead of keeping its citizens out of harm’s way, Hamas encourages and even forces Gazans to join its violent resistance against Israel.  We have already seen evidence of Hamas’ and other terror organizations’ use of human shields.
    Israel recognizes these war crimes and is operating with the utmost care to avoid civilian casualties. Israel's military activity is focused on countering terrorists and their infrastructure. As the New York Times reported, Israel delivers repeated warnings to civilians to vacate areas they are about to target, and use pinpoint technologies to hit only the targeted infrastructure. A video released by the IDF highlights IDF efforts to warn residents and even abort missions when there’s a clear risk to civilians. Hamas calls on its citizens to ignore these warnings.
    As Hamas steps up its aggression, Israel keeps its border crossing to Gaza open for humanitarian aid, gas and other goods to be transferred to civilians. Dozens of trucks have transferred goods both days. Despite Hamas escalation, Israeli hospitals continue to treat sick Gazans.
    Hamas is a terror organization motivated by the most radical ideology, including a charter that calls for the murder of all Jews. Hamas leadership celebrated the kidnapping and murder of the three Israeli teens, and called for more kidnappings. Hamas is responsible for 80 suicide bombers that have killed nearly 1,000 Israeli civilians. Hamas has been labeled a terrorist organization by the United States, European Union, Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Japan and Egypt.
    We appreciate the ongoing support from the White House, Congress and the United States for Israel’s right to self defense. Thanks to American investment, the Iron Dome is successfully deployed and has proven its effectiveness intercepting the barrage of rockets fired towards Israel’s populated areas.

     Range of rocket fire from Gaza 

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