Peres to Pope: Welcome to Twitter

President Peres to Pope: Welcome to Twitter

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    Peres and the Pope Peres and the Pope Copyright: GPO

    President Shimon Peres welcomed Pope Benedict the 16th to twitter Monday night with a special tweet from his official twitter account:  "Your holiness, welcome to Twitter. Our relations with the Vatican are at their best & can form a basis to further peace everywhere."

    President Peres has an active and popular Twitter account with 15,049 followers and more than 650 tweets posted as of today. 

    Peres also welcomed today the Vatican's new Ambassador to Israel, Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, in an official ceremony for incoming new ambassadors.

    Peres With Vatican Ambassador.jpg
    President​ Peres with the new Vatican Ambassador to Israel. 
    (Photo: Mark Neiman, GPO)
