My Polar Bear Adventures - Roie Galitz Wildlife Photographer

My Polar Bear Adventures - Roie Galitz

  •   Right after his return from yet another extremely exciting journey in Svalbard, the world renowned Roie Galitz - Nature and Wildlife Photographer is coming to give a special talk at Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo, where Roie will share his magnificent footage.
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    My Polar Bear Adventure My Polar Bear Adventure : Roie Galitz
    Roie shares a passion and commitment to protecting our nature and fight global warming. He travels in extreme conditions to the remotest places on earth, from the wilderness of Africa to the frozen Antarctica, capturing breathtaking photographs of wild animals in their natural habitats. His extraordinary photographs get great exposure worldwide (millions of views and frequent appearances in the media and global events), through which he raises awareness to some of the world’s most pressing environmental issues.

    In the past 5 years, Roie has been taking a special interest in the amazing polar bears. He is now on his 7th visit to our region. He comes here to witness and capture their lives under the fundamental threat of climate change. The arctic and polar bears’ survival is important to Roie, and so he is spreading the word about the devastating effects of global warming on the polar bears’ habitat in every chance he gets. He has presented his project on polar bears around the world in magazines, social media, TV channels, and photography exhibitions and contests - Global Arctic Awards, PX3, Olympic PHOTO Circuitcuit, Sienna International Photography Awards, and the ND Awards, to name a few.

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