(Via Statsministerens mediarådgiver)
Statsminister Benjamin Netanyahu og Kultur- og Sportsminister Limor Livnat holdt på tirsdag 14. august 2012 en festmottakelse for Israels delegasjon til Paralympics, som begynner neste måned i London. Formannen i Israels paralympiske komité (IPC) Danny Ben-Abu, IPC-direktør Dr. Ron Bolotin, trenere og andre offisielle representanter fra IPC var også tilstede.
De 25 paralympiske idrettsutøverne som skal representere Israel i London konkurrerer i 9 idretter: Veisykling, roing, seiling, rullestoltennis, bordtennis, skyting, svømming, riding og friidrett. IPC formann Ben-Abu takket Statsminister Netanyahu og Kultur- og Sportsminister Livnat for at de likestiller forholdene for idrettsutøverne til Paralympics og de olympiske leker. "Dere fortjener en stor takk for dette," sa han.
Statsminister Netanyahu fortalte idrettsutøverne: "Jeg brakk benet da jeg var 14 men jeg ble ikke altfor hemmet av dette. Jeg var i gips i noen få måneder. Nå, når jeg har nådd en litt høyere alder. har jeg fremdeles med meg denne erfaringen, når man ikke klarer trappene og når man skal gå inn og ut av dusjen og når man har vanskeligheter med å klare enkle, dagligdagse oppgaver. Dette er på en liten skala. En liten skala, men også så stor, og det har iallefall gitt med en påminnelse om de utrolige tingene som dere gjør - først og fremst
Prime Minister Netanyahu told the athletes: "I broke my leg when I was 14 but it did not affect me too much. I was in a cast for a few months. Now, at a slightly more advanced age, I have had this experience, when you cannot reach the steps and you run into a wall and when you need to get into and out of the shower and you run into difficulties with simple, daily actions. This is on a small scale, it is so small but it is so large, and it has given me at least a reminder of the incredible thing that you are doing - first of all, the challenges of being handicapped, of physical limitations. This is mentally challenging and gives appreciation of both achievements and commitment - our commitment and your achievements."
Prime Minister Netanyahu added: "What you do does not compare to the efforts of other athletes, which are very great. What you are called upon to do is in a different sphere. What you demand of yourselves, nobody demands of you. You demand of yourselves and achieve things physically and, first and foremost, mentally. From my point-of-view, you are already champions and you have achieved major victories. I also promise you that we will give you all possible support, you, your trainers and your accompanying staff.
But you asked from something modest - you said that you want your families, neighbors and friends, and all of Israel, to be able to watch you on TV, and this is my small contribution - there will be broadcasts. I want all Israelis to see our champions. I hope that you bring home medals but from my point-of-view, you already have. Good luck to you, Israel and the human spirit."
Culture and Sports Minister Livnat also used the occasion to thank Israel's Olympic athletes, who have recently returned from London: "You have returned with very fine achievements and I would like to offer a brave and large embrace to all of the athletes who were there and did their best in order to succeed." The Minister added: "Today we provide equal medical and professional services for Olympic and Paralympic athletes. I see you as an inseparable part of Israeli and Olympic sports. In my view, you rise above all other athletes with your ability to overcome your handicaps. You do this so well. You do amazing things and are a model for the emulation and admiration of our youth and all those who encounter difficulties. I love you and wish you success."
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