European funds intended for humanitarian activity diverted to financing terrorism

 European funds intended for humanitarian activity

     European funds intended for humanitarian activity diverted to financing terrorism ​​


    6 MAY 2021


    ISA: European funds intended for humanitarian activity diverted to financing terrorism in Judea and Samaria


    In the investigation, it became clear that these organizations operated using fraud and deception in many European countries to receive large-scale financing, a considerable portion of which was used to fund the terrorist activities of the Popular Front.

    The following has been cleared for publication:
    The Israeli Security Agency (ISA), in cooperation with the IDF and the Israel Police, has uncovered a financing network for the Popular Front terrorist organization in which it exploited financing that had been transferred by assistance agencies and NGOs operating in Europe.
    It was also revealed that the financing was transferred to Palestinian institutions and organizations in Judea and Samaria that are affiliated with the Popular Front and which operate under the guise of humanitarian assistance centered on the 'Health Committees'.
    In the ISA investigation of those involved, it became clear that these organizations operated using fraud and deception in many European countries in order to receive large-scale financing worth millions of Euros.
    It was also learned that a considerable portion of the financing was used to fund the terrorist activities of the Popular Front.
    The method:
    Popular Front organizations deceived assistance organizations in Europe using various methods – reporting fictitious projects, transferring false documents, forging and inflating invoices, diverting tenders, forging bank documents and signatures, reporting inflated salaries, etc. The considerable financing that was received was transferred – inter alia – to payments for the families of Popular Front 'martyrs', salaries for militants, recruiting new members, advancing and strengthening terrorist activity, funding Popular Front militants in Jerusalem and the dissemination of Popular Front messages and ideology.
    During the ISA investigation, the suspects turned in considerable material that demonstrated the scope of the fraud carried out by Popular Front institutions regarding European countries. The information indicates the large-scale diversion of funds from the official political institutions in Europe to Popular Front terrorist, military and organizational activities in Judea and Samaria.
    Indictments are due to be filed soon in the Judea Military Court.
    A senior ISA official said: "The ramified financial activity advanced by the Popular Front joins a long series of terrorist activities foiled by the ISA in recent years. The Popular Front is a murderous terrorist organization that was responsible for – inter alia – the 23 August 2019 murder of Rina Shnerb. The ISA will continue its timely actions against the terrorist and financial operations of the Popular Front, an organization that is unceasing in its efforts to undermine stability and security in Judea and Samaria and to promote terrorist activity against Israel."


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