Crowdfunding - what's all the fuss about?

Crowdfunding - what's all the fuss about?

  •   Argentum og Israels ambassade inviterer til et frokostmøte om crowdfunding med OurCrowds’s CEO Jon Medved og Pepins’ CEO Julia Reuszner under Oslo Innovation Week 2017
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    Oslo Innovation Week 2017 Oslo Innovation Week 2017 : Oslo Innovation Week 2017

    Argentum Asset Managment and the Embassy of Israel in Norway invite you to join us for 90 minutes of pure crowdfunding chat with OurCrowd’s CEO Jonathan Medved and Pepins’ CEO Julia Reuszner.

    What is the difference between equity and debt crowdfunding? Is crowdfunding something for your startup? Or might it threaten your investment company? Is it a competitor to traditional financing from banks or venture investors? These are just some of the questions that pop up when crowdfunding is mentioned.
    Our keynote speakers Jonathan and Julia will share their experiences from the crowdfunding scene in Israel and Sweden, followed by a panel discussion where we’ll dig into how Norway can learn from these experiences. Why is crowdfunding activity in Norway low compared to the other Nordic countries? And how can the government and the businesses community work together to boost this development?