The internet video of the Betunia incident 21 May 2014

The internet video of the Betunia incident

    The matter is being handled with the utmost seriousness and the investigation will thoroughly explore all possible avenues in order to bring the truth to light.
    (Communicated by the Foreign Ministry Spokesman)

    The Military Attorney-General (MAG) has instructed the Military Police to open an investigation into the matter of the May 15, 2014 incident in Betunia (Ofer), as it appears in an internet video. The findings will be submitted to the MAG, who will then decide on further proceedings in accordance with the evidence.

    While the investigation is ongoing, the MAG is not at liberty to disclose any details or information thereof. The matter is being handled with the utmost seriousness and the investigation will thoroughly explore all possible avenues in order to bring the truth to light. This process cannot be rushed if a credible, accurate and complete picture of events is to be reached. 

    The MAG will inform the public in due course regarding the final results of the investigation and any future measures to be taken.