Cursos de MASHAV

Nuevos cursos de MASHAV

  •   Importantísimo!!!!
    Innovative Entrepreneurship for Youth-Led Microenterprises in cooperation with YABT (Young Americas Business Trust)- Organization of American States
    December 3 - 20, 2012
    Haifa, Israel
    Agribusiness - A Tool for the Empowerment of Rural Women
    15th- 31st October, 2012
    Renewable Energy as a Catalyst for Regional Development
    The Arava Center for Sustainable Development at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, Israel
    November 18th through November 30th, 2012
    Violence against Women and Children
    In cooperation with
    UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
    29 October-9 November, 2012
    Metodologías Educacionales
    Juventud en Riesgo: Prevención de la Deserción Estudiantil y Facilitación de la Reintegración