

  •   The Yiddish Theatre in Israel
    Yiddishpiel – the Yiddish Theatre in Israel was established in 1987 with the mission of restoring to Yiddish, the language that had almost disappeared, its charm, its popularity, and its glory, and to make it the focus of a rich and significant culture that is an important foundation stone in the history of the Jewish nation. The repertoire of the theatre is varied, ranging from the classic works of Sholem Aleichem, Avraham Goldfaden, Sholem Asch and Jacob Gordon, to Itzik Manger, Issaac Bashevis-Singer, and Shai Agnon, and including Efraim Kishon, Yehoshua Sobol, Yosef Bar-Yosef, Moti Averbuch, Aharon Meged, Sami Gruniman and others. In addition, world-class productions are staged including works by Neil Simon, Alexander Galin, Edmond Morris, Herb Gardner, and others.

    Visit Yiddishpiel’s website