The Ma’aleh School of Television, Film and the Arts

The Ma’aleh School of Television, Film and the Art

    The Ma’aleh School of Television, Film and the Arts, situated in downtown Jerusalem, is the only film school of its kind in the world. Founded in 1989, Ma’aleh is an institution of higher education which trains filmmakers to produce work inspired by their Jewish heritage, fostering a unique connection between the world of media and Jewish culture. The school aims to build bridges between Jewish tradition and social experience, as well as between the religious and secular worlds. Groups visiting from North America, Europe and Australia participate in Ma’aleh’s film workshops at the school every year. The school also boasts a number of important social programs which contribute to the wellbeing of the wider community. The Ma’aleh School of Television, Film and the Arts offers two main curricula: The Production and Directing Track and The Screenwriting Track.

    Visit Ma’aleh’s website