London taxis mark 5 years since Gilad Shalit’s kidnapping

London taxis mark Shalit’s kidnapping

  •   London taxis mark 5 years since Gilad Shalit’s kidnapping
    ​25th June 2011 marked the 5th anniversary of Gilad Shalit’s kidnapping by Hamas in Gaza.
    In the five years that Gilad has been languishing in captivity, he has been denied access to the International Red Cross, a direct contravention of International Humanitarian Law, and aside from being permitted to send one letter, has had no contact with the outside world.
    Unlike many other aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the story of Gilad Shalit is not well-known to the UK public. In recent months the Embassy has led a campaign to raise awareness of his plight, which has inspired many in the community to get involved.
    A great new initiative has started to increase awareness through taxis in London where sponsored black cabs that are branded with Gilad Shalit’s story will be the focal point. These cabs will travel around London for a month from the date of his captivity, and we are aiming to have at least 200 in circulation.
    You can help us raise awareness by contributing to the publishing costs of this important campaign, and help make a difference for Gilad and his family, please follow the .