Ambassador Taub visits Northern Ireland

Ambassador Taub visits Northern Ireland

    ​This week Ambassador Taub visited Northern Ireland on a diplomatic tour. During the two day visit, the Ambassador was able to meet with a wide range of people from Northern Ireland, including academics, politicians, church leaders and communal organisations.
    The trip provided a great opportunity to meet with political leaders in the Northern Ireland Assembly and to brief them on the current situation in Israel and the Middle East as well as discussing areas of future cooperation between Israel and Northern Ireland.
    Ambassador Taub and Jonathan Bell MLA
    During his recent stay, the Ambassador had an opportunity to lecture at the University of Ulster, where he shared his thoughts on the current situation in Israel and the wider Middle East with staff and students of the university.
    Ambassador Taub at the University of Ulster
    The Ambassador was particularly interested in learning about the conflict resolution process evolving within Northern Ireland and took part in a roundtable discussion with organisations who are working towards community cohesion and conflict resolution.
    In addition, the Ambassador met with the Church leadership in Northern Ireland expressing his appreciation for the valuable role faith can play in bringing communities together.
    Ambassador Taub with the Northern Ireland church leadership
    The highlight to his visit was a Northern Ireland Friends of Israel lecture, where the Ambassador received a warm reception and standing ovation after sharing with the 300 strong audience members about his experiences working on peace negotiations.
    Northern Ireland Friends of Israel meeting
    Ambassador visits conflict resolution archives at the Linen Hall Library