Ambassador Taub attends Boys Town Jerusalem Jewish Primary School Choral Festival

Ambassador Taub attends Boys Town Jerusalem

  •   Ambassador Taub attends Boys Town Jerusalem Jewish Primary School Choral Festival
    Ambassador Taub attended the Jewish Primary School Choral Festival in support of Boys Town Jerusalem. Boys Town Jerusalem is an educational and residential development based in Bait V’gan assisting boys from disadvantaged backgrounds from within Israel as well as from other countries around the globe.
    Ambassador Taub had the pleasure of hearing songs from 7 schools including a Hebrew adaptation of The Beatle’s ‘Yellow Submarine’! Schools taking part included Michael Sobell Sinai School, Naima Jewish Preparatory School, Mathilda Marks-Kennedy Jewish Primary School, Akiva School, Wolfson Hillel Primary School, Ilford Jewish Primary School and Hertsmere Jewish Primary School.