A tale of two schools

A tale of two schools

    Ambassador Taub at Hasmonean Boys School
    Ambassador Taub continued his programme of visiting schools and universities throughout the country. This week he visited Hasmonean Boys School and Eton College. At Hasmonean School Ambassador Taub spoke to the entire school about the role of Israel in Jewish life today, followed by a lively question and answer session with the 6th form. At Eton Ambassador Taub spoke to the Politics Society about his experiences in Israel’s peace negotiations, followed by a discussion on the current situation in the Middle East.
    Eton College commented on the Ambassador’s visit:
    ‘Eton College Political Society were very pleased to welcome Ambassador Taub who gave a very interesting and informative lecture to staff and students on the theory and practice of international diplomacy. The subsequent lively question and answer session covered a range of key contemporary issues, ranging from Israel’s relationship with the USA, to the impact of the Arab Spring and the threat of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East.’Ambassador Taub at Eton College
    Ambassador Taub addresses the Politics Society at Eton College