Vonuteers' Day at Shanti Sikshya School

A Successful Volunteers' Day

    On 6 February 2019, as a part of Volunteers’ Day, the Embassy of Israel donated basic food items enough for 1 year, for the children of a government school named “Shanti Shikshya Secondary School.” The school started free lunch provision from this session with the food items (rice and lentils) the Embassy supported. The Day Meal program has resulted in the increment of the enrollment of students in the school. During the last session, the students’ number was 70 and this year, it has increased to 310.
    The respresentatives of the school visited the Embassy, met with Ambassador and Deputy Chief of Mission to update about the outcome of the support and also thanked the Embassy for their contribution.
    Along with basic food items, the Embassy had also distributed toys for the students and cleaned the school premises. The Shalom Club members, graduates of short MASHAV courses in Israel joined hands in the cleaning program.
    Please click here to read about the Volunteers’ Day conducted at Shanti Sikshya Secondary School.