
Back with Paint and Brushes

  •   Embassy teams up to volunteer for social cause
    After successfully spreading a smile in the faces of the children from Child Protection Home at Siphal, following the Volunteer’s Day Phase I, the Embassy of Israel continued its efforts to contribute and give back to the society by organizing Volunteer’s Day Phase II on 21 & 22 March 2012.
    This year, Israelis living in and travelling to Nepal joined this activity together with the members from the “Shalom Club”, a club of Nepalese who studied in Israel.  They all joined hands with the Embassy in volunteering at a Child Protection Home. 
    Like in the previous year, the main focus was given to cleaning, painting the walls of the rooms/building and repair/maintenance of the infrastructures, carpeting, changing lighting system.
    This volunteer’s day was the Embassy’s way of marking the arrival of spring and Pesach and wishing for the beautiful days ahead.

    Pesach or Passover is a Jewish festival and commemorates the freedom from slavery.  Pesach begins on the 15th day of the Jewish month Nisan and is celebrated for 7 days.  Pesach is the biggest Jewish festival celebrated in Nepal and around the world.  The festival marks the beginning of spring and during the festival, the houses are purified and cleansed all over.
    Speaking during the volunteer’s day, the Ambassador of Israel expressing his delight to come back and volunteer at Children’s Home, said, ‘The quality of every society is measured by the level of solidarity that exists between weak and strong parts of it. I am proud to be a part of this cooperation between Nepalese and Israelis to help children who need our help.’

    The children were happy to share a light moment with the volunteers and participate in the activities held after the work.
    Child Protection Home, established under Nepal Children’s Organization, is an organization that provides safe and caring environment for rescued dependent children of imprisoned parents.  The organization not only provide education and medical care to the children but also help in building confidence and socializing with the outside world as well as offering opportunities for skill development.
    The organization houses 65 such children, who are not only taken care of but are also given moral values and education on personal hygiene and psychological counseling.