Training on PUBLIC HEALTH, 2012

Training on PUBLIC HEALTH, 2012

    Training on Public Health to enhance knowledge and skills
    among the participants
    “Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.”
    Winston Churchill
    Embassy of Israel in Kathmandu along with Dhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu University Hospital and Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV) organized an additional and advanced program on Public Health.  The program titled, "Community Oriented Primary Care with special reference to Participatory Community Research and Health Economics ", was organized from 3 to 12 September 2012 at Dhulikhel Hospital.  The main focus of the training was to enhance the participants' knowledge and skills in participatory community research and health economics.  Selected useful elements of health economics were integrated in the actual groups' work on participatory community research to achieve their goals.
    Dr. Amir Shmueli and Dr. Milka Donchin from Hadassah Hospital in Israel were the facilitators for the program.  The workshop targeted doctors, nurses and medical students. It was attended by 45 participants from 15 different governmental and non-governmental institutions of Nepal.
    During same time, Prof. Yoel Donchin from Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School also organized courses on patient safety and  Emergency Medical Service to about 50 staffs and faculties of Dhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu University Hospital. A drill on Mass Casualty Management was also done. Dr. Ram Kantha Makaju Shrestha, the Director of Dhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu University Hospital mentioned on the occasion that this will be a milestone in the long term collaboration between Nepal and Israel in the field of trauma management.
    On August 24th,  Prof. Dr. Elliot Berry, Deputy Head at WHO Collaborating Center for Capacity Building in Public Health and Department of Human Nutrition and Metabolism at Braun School of Public Health, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Israel, had also handed over twenty laboratory microscopes to Dhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu University Hospital provided as a gift from  Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School.
    Speaking at the opening ceremony H.E. Mr. Hanan Goder, Ambassador of Israel to Nepal said, "This is another example of the cooperation between Nepal and Israel.  This important task of improving communities will eventually make the differences in our lives".
    As a part of a long running cooperation, different programs related to public health, trauma management and community services will continue in Nepal as well as in Israel. These will include trainings, workshops, exchange visit and study opportunities (under full scholarship) and joint medical research for health professionals in order to exchange ideas, views and experiences along with the sharing of technology and know-how between the two countries.