Medical Clown In Town

Medical Clown in Town

    Smadar Harpak, a trained medical clown from Israel, is on a visit to Nepal, to add some more smiles to the faces of children and elderly people.  Ms. Harpak, who has theater background and more than 10 year experience in the field of medical clowning, is on a three day campaign to Nepal.  Her mission is to spread happiness and interact with street children at Heart Beat organization, elderly at Old age Home in Pashupatinath and children from Orphanage Home and Child Protection Center with her skill learnt through medical clowning. 
    Medical clowning helps medical professionals relate to acutely and chronically ill children by using laughter to endure painful and stressful medical procedures.  The training will provide the medical professionals to provide relief to the traumatic children going through a tough time and establish a relationship between caregiver and the patient in a humorous way. It may interest you to know that in Israel it is possible to obtain a full medical degree in Medical Clowning.
    Two doctors from Bir Hospital are accompanying Ms. Harpak in her mission.  During the session, children and elderly will receive free medical check-ups and medicines along with a little fun and play.  On her concluding day, Ms. Herpak will be visiting the Pediatric Department at Dhulikhel Hospital and working with the children there.
    This program is a taste of what is yet to come and training for medical professionals to enhance their skills in medical clowning will take place from 30 December 2012 at Dhulikhel Hospital. The basic training on Medical clowning was provided in November 2011 at Dhulikhel Hospital.