MASHAV Learning and Sharing Session

MASHAV Sharing and Learning Session

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    MASHAV Sharing and Learning Session MASHAV Sharing and Learning Session Copyright: Embassy of Israel in Nepal

    The Embassy of Israel organized “MASHAV Sharing & Learning Session” in cooperation with 3 Nepali MASHAV Graduates, at Shivapuri Secondary School, a government school, located at Maharajgunj on 19 July 2019. The 3 MASHAV graduates namely Ms. Jenny Manadhar (Rato Bangala School), Mr. Pramod Shah (Dibyabhumi Multiple College) and Ms. Suman Bajracharya (Department of Information and Braodcasting) facilitated the session. They all are from the field of Education, who were trained in different courses in Israel (courses mentioned at the end). They presented about their learnings in Israel along with hands-on activity. 40 teachers of the school participated in the session. After attending the session, Mr. Diwakar Durdarshi, Principal of Shivapuri School thanked the Embassy and the facilitators, and said that he found the session very useful and is hopeful to implement something shared in his school soon.

    Delighted to conduct such a sharing session, Ambassador Benny Omer said, “Probably, one of the best long-term investments of a political leader in his/her nation is high quality education.”

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    The Embassy strongly believes that through such programs, the knowledge learnt in Israel could be shared for the benefit of others as well. The Embassy will organize such sharing sessions in other fields like agriculture, health and entrepreneurship in the future.  
    Note: MASHAV is Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation. One of the major activities of MASHAV is to conduct short term courses in different fields. Around 4000 Nepalese have already participated in these kinds of courses so far. Mr. Pramod Shah partook in the International Course on “Pedagogic Training for Principals and Educational Supervisors” in 2013. Likewise, Ms. Suman Bajracharya attended the International Course on “Educational Methodologies Youth At-Risk: Preventing Student Dropouts and Facilitating Students Reintegration” in 2016 and Ms. Jenny Manandhar participated in the International Course in “Education for Science and Math-STEM Framework” in 2018.