Israeli Embassy in Nepal Celebrates Environment Month

Israeli Embassy Celebrates Environment Month

    The Embassy of Israel in Nepal organized a tree plantation and clean-up program to mark the Environment Month (18 June-world desertification combat day, June 7-world oceans day, June 5-world environment day) at Kuleshwor Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Kathmandu on 29 June 2018.
    Fruit trees and flower plants were planted around the school premises and the area was cleaned up as the symbolic initiation towards clean and better environment. Further to this, the Embassy also donated stand fans to each of the classes and sports materials. The Solar Panels that were donated to the school in 2014 were brought back to function.
    The Ambassador of Israel, H.E. Mr. Benny Omer, Embassy Staff and Shalom Club members participated in the program. Students and staff of the school had also joined hands.
    Note: Kuleshwor Madhyamik Vidyala is a government run school and has around 350 students. Shalom Club members are the Nepalese who went to Israel to participate in different MASHAV courses held in Israel. MASHAV is a Hebrew acronym for Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation.