Farewell Message

 Ambassador Yaron Mayer's Farewell Message

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    Deputy Chief of Protocol Mr. Tej Bahadur Chhetri seeing off Ambassador Yaron Mayer at the Tribhuvan International Airport Deputy Chief of Protocol Mr. Tej Bahadur Chhetri seeing off Ambassador Yaron Mayer at the Tribhuvan International Airport Copyright: Embassy of Israel in Nepal
    ​Three years in Nepal has been a unique and unforgettable experience for me and my family. To serve in Nepal during its time of transition to a full fledged democracy is a great opportunity, and I see huge potential in the future of Nepal particularly the youths who are already actively engaged in leadership roles. Last few years the country has gone through unprecedented difficulties and challenges, and through all that Nepali people’s resilience and collective solidarity stood out as a living example for us all to learn from.
    Nepal – Israel relations continues to grow from strength to strength, particularly the friendship between our two peoples. I am extremely grateful to the Government of Nepal, the people of Nepal, my colleagues in the embassy of Israel in Nepal and my colleagues in Israel for their relentless support during the last three years of our term here in Kathmandu.  I am proud to note that in the last 3 years we accomplished quite a few major bilateral achievements including high level visits, agreements, projects, and created possibilities for private sector engagements and business opportunities for our two countries.
    Happy Dashain to the people of Nepal. 
    Shanna Tova, Shalom and Namaste.