
Film Festival

  •    6th Israeli Film Festival (May 2011)
    To give continuity and to give a different taste of the Israeli movies to the moviegoers in Kathmandu, 6th Israeli Film Festival was conducted from 3rd to 6th May 2011 at the Russian Culture Center, Kamalpokhari.  Altogether six award winning movies were handpicked to showcase the culture, tradition, religion and humorous side of Israel. 
    Unlike previous film festivals, this year the Embassy came up with a different idea to serve Israeli cuisine and foods produced locally using Israeli technology during its ‘invitees only’ opening show.  For the invitation cards, hand-made Nepali paper products were used to promote women’s skill.  The Embassy is proud to say that like previous years, this year too, the Film Festival was a huge success with house full seats throughout the film festival and a huge feedback in its Facebook page and wide media coverage.  