Celebration of 62 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Nepal and Israel

Celebrating 62 Years of Diplomatic Relations

    The Embassy of Israel celebrated 62 years of diplomatic relations between Nepal and Israel on 10 May, amidst the presence of The Right Honorable Mr. Nanda Bahadur Pun, Vice President of Nepal, high ranked Nepali government officials, diplomats, media fraternity and distinguished business community guests.
    Welcoming the guests, H.E. Mr. Hanan Goder, Ambassador of Israel to Nepal said, “Israel and Nepal share the same values of tolerance, democracy, community solidarity and respect for the other. We both nations are proud of our heritage and as small civilizations, face similar challenges. This is what united us in the past and this will continue to keep bilateral relations good.”
    H.E. Mr. Yair Lapid, Alternate Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Israel expressed his warm wishes on a video congratulatory message. He said, “For three decades, Nepal was the only country in the region to maintain diplomatic relations with Israel. Israel continues to seek out new opportunities to cooperate with Nepal, considering Nepal a great friend and a partner.”
    Likewise, Haim Sharett, son of Late Moshe Sharett, Former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Israel referred to the meetings of Late Moshe Sharett and Late B.P. Koirala in Myanmar, Israel and in Nepal which led to intensive dialogue, closer understanding and a deep friendship. He further said, “The wonderful ongoing friendship later became binational friendship.” Late Moshe Sharett was one of the architects for establishing Nepal-Israel relations.
    Besides, the Honourable Ms. Sujata Koirala, Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, The Honourable Mr. Ramesh Nath Pandey, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Pradeep Kumar Gyawali, Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Bharat Raj Paudyal, Foreign Secretary, MoFA also spoke about ‘Nepal-Israel Relations’ and highlighted on the strong bonds between the two countries.
    62 Years of Relationship between Nepal-Israel.JPG

    Concluding the event, DCM Mr. Tal Shvartsman said, “I believe that the bond between our two countries will continue to grow and flourish for many more years to come.”
    The diplomatic relations were established at the initiation of the two great leaders and Prime Ministers of their respective countries, B.P. Koirala and David Ben Gurion on 1 June 1960. Since the establishment of the relations, the two nations have continued to cooperate and collaborate on various areas of mutual interests benefitting both the countries in the field of agriculture, health, education,  among many others.
    The gallery of an exhibition on flashback of Nepal-Israel relations was also displayed, portraying a historical cooperation between the two countries.  

    On this happy occasion, the Embassy would like to extend warm greetings and best wishes to the Governments of Nepal and Israel and its people. This is an important occasion to mark the existing bilateral ties as well as an opportunity to take the cordial relations to scale new heights.