An Opprtunity for Nepali Photographers

An Opportunity for Nepali Photographers


    PHOTO IS:RAEL is launching the 4th Meitar Award for Excellence in Photography 2019. The Meitar Award for Excellence in photography will be awarded to a body of work that demonstrates excellence in the field of photography.

    An independent jury will select 20 finalists who will be showcased in a group exhibition at the International Photography Festival in November 2019 in Tel-Aviv. Following the festival in Tel-Aviv, the finalists’ exhibition will travel to another festival in the world. All works will be judged anonymously based on their originality and quality.

    The award winner will be announced in November during the festival and will receive a $14,000 grant, composed of a personal grant of $2,500 and production of a solo exhibition that will be part of the 2020 International Photography Festival.
    Isn’t this a big opportunity for photographers? You can grab an opportunity and participate in this Photography competition. Visit to learn more about the Meitar Award.