69th Independence Day of Israel

Israel celebrates 69 years of Independence

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    Rt. Hon'ble Vice President of Nepal, Nanda Bahadur Pun and Ambassador Yaron Mayer at the official ceremony Rt. Hon'ble Vice President of Nepal, Nanda Bahadur Pun and Ambassador Yaron Mayer at the official ceremony Copyright: Embassy of Israel in Nepal

    The Embassy of Israel in Kathmandu celebrated the 69th Independence Day of the State of Israel at a special function in Hotel Yak and Yeti, in Kathmandu on 04 May 2017, amidst the presence of the Right Honourable Mr. Nanda Bahadur Pun, Vice President of Nepal and hundreds of other distinguished guests. The guests included high ranked Nepali government officials, diplomats, businessmen and well-wishers of Israel together to celebrate the event.

    The Embassy tries to bring the Israeli vibe to the National Day every year with cuisine, backdrops and the atmosphere. The guests were acquainted with the Israeli vibe, cuisines and folk dancing wherein the guests seemed fully enjoying to the tunes and the moves.

    In addition to this, this year Israel is also embarking on the Jubilee Years in 2017-18 to mark the anniversaries of various events:
    120 years of first Zionist Congress in the year 1897
    100 Years of Balfour Declaration in 1917
    70 years of establishment of the State of Israel in 1947
    60 years of MASHAV-Israel’s Agency for Development Cooperation in 1957
    50 years of Reunification of Jerusalem in 1967
    40 years of the visit of the Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat to Israel in 1977
    The Diplomatic ties between Nepal and Israel stands at 57 years (1960). Since then, many projects have been undertaken under various fields till date that mutually benefits both the countries and its peoples.