Theatre Knock Knock

Niv Petel's one man show "Knock Knock"

    ​Israeli actor Niv Petel’s one man show "Knock Knock" will be part of the opening season of the newly-opened Tai Kwun in Central.

    It is one of the most acclaimed shows in Edinburgh Fringe 2017, telling the effects of conscription on everyday life for a single mother and her only son.  

    Don’t miss this emotional, intimate performance of parenthood, friendship, love and sacrifice.

    劇場《兒子,你好嗎?》是以色列演員 Niv Petel 的獨腳戲,一人分飾兩角道出兵役制度為尋常家庭帶來的滔天巨變。Niv Petel 既是母親也是兒子,當愛國不是自由意志,單親媽媽Ilana 僅存的兒子也無奈被召上前線犧牲在即,人生未免沉重得不能言喻。橫死掂死不如索性豁出去,抵死幽默的對白,一條毛巾,一桌一椅,細膩論盡生死關頭下的家庭關係友共情,驚艷英國愛丁堡藝穗節,並​成為大館開幕季度的表演藝術節目​之一​。​

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