The Inspired Exhibit in Hong Kong

The Inspired Exhibit in Hong Kong 「感動之旅聖經展」


    The Inspired Exhibit 「感動之旅聖經展」


    The INSPIRED Exhibit - an exhibition of over 75 items, including exquisite ancient scrolls, medieval manuscripts and rare printed books, tell the story of how the Bible was written and preserved, will be held from March 23 to April 11, 2017, at St. Andrew’s Church in Kowloon, Hong Kong.


    The exhibit includes distinctive Jewish scrolls from along the Silk Road, culminating with a magnificent Esther scroll from China.


    The INSPIRED Exhibit is a rare opportunity to see and touch bible artefacts, and to learn how the bible came accurately to us.


    The INSPIRED Exhibit also includes seminars by visiting scholars and speakers from Hong Kong and abroad who will share powerful messages from the Bible.  All lectures and messages will be translated and will take place at St. Andrew’s Church.

    At the opening event, Consul General Sagi Karni received a Bible printout freshly made by a replica of Gutenberg printing machine. 

    總領事 Sagi Karni先生昨晚出席開幕儀式,獲贈用古騰堡印刷機仿製品即時印出來的聖經 

    Exhibition information

    Date: March 23 – April 11, 2017

    Time: Monday – Saturday 10am – 9:30pm, Sunday 3pm – 9:30pm

    Location: St Andrew’s Church, 138 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong

    Exhibition website:

    The Inspired Exhibit「感動之旅聖經展」於2017323日至411日期間在聖安德烈堂舉行,展出超過七十多項古代聖經抄本和罕有的早期印刷本,包括著名的昆蘭死海古卷抄本《大以賽亞卷》、公元前二世紀的希伯來文納什蒲草紙抄本、古代聖經卷軸、中世紀聖經印刷本,也包括古舊的中文聖經手抄珍本。









