The Innovation and Technology Tale of Two Cities

Innovation & technology forum

    ​Ambassador Amikam Levy shared Israel’s unique experience and his thoughts on the prospect of the collaboration between Hong Kong and Shenzhen at the “Forum on Creating Synergy in Innovation and Technology - Shenzhen / Hong Kong Cooperation” on 8 July 2011.
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    2011 07 08 Innovation and Technology Tale of Two Cities 2011 07 08 Innovation and Technology Tale of Two Cities
    The Innovation and Technology Tale of Two Cities
    The “Forum on Creating Synergy in Innovation and Technology - Shenzhen / Hong Kong Cooperation” held on July 8 was organised by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with the support of the Innovation and Technology Commission and the Science, Industry, Trade and Information Technology Commission of Shenzhen Municipality. The half-day, high level forum aimed to promote the successful collaboration in innovation and technology between Mainland and Hong Kong, with a focus on the "Shenzhen-Hong Kong Innovation Circle".
    Guests of Honour included the Deputy Director General, Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Mr Gong Guoping; Vice Mayor, the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, and the Chairman of the Shenzhen side of the Steering Group on Shenzhen/Hong Kong Co-operation in Innovation and Technology, Mr Yuan Baocheng; and The Honourable John Tsang, Financial Secretary, HKSAR’s government.
    Around 200 guests, mainly senior representatives from I&T enterprises, trade associations, universities and research institutes to the Forum had the chance to put their finger on the pulse of the latest development with reference to Innovation and Technology development in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
    Consuls General sharing their thoughts
    One of the highlights of the packed forum was the panel discussion involving four Consuls General chaired by the Commissioner for Innovation and Technology, Miss Janet Wong. The Consuls General of Germany, Israel, the UK and the US shared both their country’s unique experience and their thought on the prospect of the collaboration between Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
    Represented by ambassador Amikam Levy, Consul General, HK & Macau, Consulate General of Israel, the “tiny Middle East country” was first to share the experience with the audience. With a population of 7.4 million, Israel is sometimes referred to as “the capital of the hi-tech world”, said the Ambassador, citing the fact that the country ranks first in per capita R&D spending in the world, and sixth in “the ability to innovate”. The country boasts an advanced economy, and is among the leaders in various knowledge-based sectors.
    The quick-witted ambassador urged people to have determination and faith in their quest for technological advancement, and “to do the right things”. On the partnership between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, ambassador Levy believed that the two are set to benefit from a good infrastructure, an increasingly knowledge-based workforce and ample resources readily available in China.