PolyU Youth Leadership Programme

PolyU Youth Leadership Programme visited Israel

    ​A group of 48 students from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Peking University and Xian Jiaotong University visited Israel in mid-January. These undergraduate students from different faculties explored the history, ethnic and cultural diversity, innovation and creativity of Israel. Two of them ​shared their impression after the trip.​​​​

    ​​The students of the SOAR Youth Leadership Programme 2017-18 conducted their second learning trip to ​Israel from 14 to 21 January 2018. Through active participation in a series of lectures, meetings, field visits and an International Youth Forum, 48 students from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Peking University and Xian Jiaotong University explored together different aspects of Israel as a shared society, which comprises various ethnic groups, religions and cultures. The students were amazed when they discovered, despite having different ethnic backgrounds, Israelis held a great sense of pride and belonging towards Israel.

    The trip started with an International Youth Forum at the University of Haifa, the students exchanged thoughts on cultural heritage and embracing diversity in the modern world with Arab and Jewish students. Through conversing with a school principal of the Hand-in-Hand, Centre for Jewish-Arab Education in Israel, and youth leaders of the Beit HaGefen-The Arab Jewish Cultural Center, the students learned to appreciate these leaders’ dedication to promoting harmony between Arabs and Jews and improving conditions of society in Haifa.

    (Photo: Students visiting the community served by the Beit HaGefen-The Arab Jewish Cultural Center to learn about the public art projects that promote ethnic and cultural

    At the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem, the students had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Omer Caspi, Director of the North-East Asia Department of the Division for Asia and the Pacific and attending talks delivered by representatives of the Center for Policy Research and Bureau for World Jewish Affairs and World Religions. They gained a better understanding of the current situation of Israel and its relations with other countries. They were eager to learn the impact of the U.S. recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and Israel’s role in the development of the Middle East. This meeting laid a good foundation for their learnings.

    Throughout the study trip, the students visited various museums and cultural sites to understand the history of Israel. After visiting the Yad Vashem (The World Holocaust Remembrance Center), they met with a holocaust survivor and with young soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, they realized how Israelis, with a strong faith in Israel, turned tremendous hardships into motivation to protect and build Israel.

    “I am proud of the diversity experienced in this place where everyone respects every religion. It enables people to choose their own beliefs without constraints, and to preserve their living styles and cultures. In particular, Jerusalem is a holy place for different religions but Israelis can still embrace others which makes Israel a place with harmony, peace and diversity.”
              Fiona Wong, Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social Work
              Department of Applied Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    “As a university student, I think it is important to find meanings in my life. The exploration in Israel has inspired me to start thinking about what I should do for the society and what value I should uphold when I become a leader in the future. I think respecting ethnic and cultural diversity is a core value that I have gained from Israel. I would continue to devote myself to understand different people in the world and embrace their cultures.”
              Angie Yuen, BCs (Hons) Tourism and Events Management
              School of Hotel and Tourism Management, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    (Photo: Students visiting the Knesset to understand the political structure of Israel and its
    contributions to diversity in Israel.​)